Personal Banking


Charter Financial Service is always ready to provide you with the right solutions for your business needs. The Charter Financial Service Retail Overdraft Facility is meant to finance SME businesses with working capital needed to help businesses sort out cash flow issues. We provide overdraft facilities under flexible terms and conditions to our valued SME clients. Our dedicated business banking team is ready to help SME clients to provide support to our clients to enable them gain access to funds within the shortest possible time.

The purpose of the Charter Financial Service Retail Overdraft Facility is to bridge occasional short falls in working capital for the business.

  • Business Overdraft

    As a short-term credit facility on your Business Current Account, your overdraft is a quick and convenient way to free up your cash flow.

  • Benefits of the offering are:

    -A dedicated relationship officer to handle all activities in relation to the facility
    -Access to flexible terms and conditions
    -Access to funds within the shortest possible time upon meeting the requirements of the Bank
    -Access to competitive charges etc
    -A tenure of 12 months
    -An applicable arrangement & processing fee

  • What you'll need

    -Business registration documents
    -Six months’ statements from another bank
    -Three years’ financial statements and cash flows
    -Accepted collateral includes, but is not limited to, landed property, cash or investments (Treasury Bills) and Bank Guarantee from a reputable bank
    -Favourable credit bureau report.
    -You may need to meet other conditions or give us more documents subject to specific borrower conditions.


    -Cash when you need it
    -You pay interest only on the amount you use
    -Interest accrues daily on the outstanding amount and is payable at the end of the month
    -Facility is available for use for 12 months and is renewable subject to good performance.